Privacy Policy


Hi-Audio Music Platform(“Hi-Audio” or “we/us”), a project of the ADASP group at Télécom Paris, Paris, France, domiciled at 19 place Marguerite Perey, Palaiseau, France is committed to protecting the privacy of the users of our website and Services (“You/r”). This Privacy Policy is part of the Hi-Audio Music Platform terms of use and explains our practices regarding the use of personal data collected and processed through our Services. Defined terms set out herein shall have the same meaning as in the terms of use of which it forms part.


Hi-Audio collects and processes (1) profile data, (2) data related to the music uploaded, (3) data created while contributing to the community. We collect those data for the purpose of creating your account, provide you with our service, and other purposes set out below.

We maintain the security and confidentiality of your data in accordance with applicable law and will not make your personal data public other than on the site (username).

By completing and submitting your personal data to Hi-Audio Music Platform via any online registration or other forms presented on our website, you declare to have read and accepted the terms of this Policy. Without prejudice to the foregoing, when we require your consent, by clicking the tickbox, you expressly and unequivocally consent to the collection and processing of your personal data (as identified below) by us in accordance with the indicated purposes and this Policy.

You may revoke consent at any time by writing to accompanied with a proof of your identity (copy of ID card or passport).

Please read the text below carefully for the full details of this Privacy Policy.

Privacy Policy

Legal Text Friendly Version

Data Controller. The entity responsible for your data is Télécom Paris, 19 place Marguerite Perey 91120, Palaiseau, France. All communications regarding the processing of your personal data shall be directed to our Data Protection Officer Please send a copy to

The IMT is responsible for the personal data collected on Hi-Audio website.
Data Collected
  1. Registration (Registration Data). On registering for creating an account on our website, we will collect the following personal data from your Google account: username, email and your profile picture. These data, except the ones defined as optional, are mandatory and if they are not provided, an account cannot be created.
  2. Uploading music. On uploading an audio track to our website, we will collect the following data: collection name (optional), composition title and all audio metadata included on the file. Some of the above data may not necessarily be necessary for the Service.
  3. Downloading sounds. On downloading sounds, we don't collect any inforamtion at this point.
  4. Contribution to the community. When you contribute to the Hi-Audio community, you provide us with the audio tracks you added to your compositions or others'.
  5. Donation. If you make donations to us, we will collect the amount of the donation and your username, if you provide it to us.
  6. Navigation. Due to the standards of communications on the Internet, when you visit our website we automatically receive the URL of the site from which you come and the site you visit when you leave our website. We also receive the internet protocol ("IP") address of your computer and the type of browser you are using. We do not use or collect this information at this point. We do not collect any type of personal data if you are only browsing the website. Our cookie policy sets out the corresponding information regarding data collection through cookies.
We expressly collect the data in the Registration webforms, data related to the music, data and metadata about the audio when you upload one, your contribution to the community, the amount of your donation and your username, and data related to you navigation on our website.

Prohibited data. In all events, it is forbidden to submit to us or upload to the Services any data that contains sensitive personal data that is relative to identifiable persons such as: your and or third party’s racial origin, membership in a trade union, religion, ideology and sexual life, your and or third party’s health; or your and or third party’s relative to the commission of criminal offences or proceedings and associated penalties or fines.

You must NOT upload sensitive data.

Data accuracy. It is important that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and current. You are responsible for the accuracy of the information you provide to us and you are expected to update any information you provide us with.

You must keep the data you provide us updated.

Data use. We use your personal data to:

  • Create and manage your account and our relationship with you as a member of the Hi-Audio Community.
  • Carry out research development and innovation study, works or projects.
  • Provide you with the Hi-Audio service and look for improvements.
  • Allow you to access API’s developers’ website with your Hi-Audio log-in details.
  • Contact you and communicate with you.
  • Any legal purposes required by law or court order.
We use your data only for the uses mentioned.

Personal data collected from third party sources. We collect personal data about you the following third parties. These third party sources vary over time and include the following:

  • Authentication Partner (Google): If you register for or log into our Services using third party credentials (e.g. Google), we will import your information for such third party to help create your account with us.
We use your Google account as a sign in method for our platform.

Legal basis. The principal legal basis of the processing activities described above are:

  • the performance of our contract with you (our user terms) for creating and managing your account, providing you with the Hi-Audio service,
  • our legitimate interest to contact you and respond to your requests and manage our community.
  • your consent when its required (mainly for allowing you to access to API’s developers’ websites with your Hi-Audio account), and
  • in order to comply with a legal obligation to which we are subject.

We process your data on the basis of different legal basis depending on the purpose of the data use (performance of a contract, legitimate interest, your consent when its required and the compliance with a legal obligation we are subject to).

Data disclosure. We process your personal data in strict confidentiality in accordance with applicable law. However, we may disclose any personal or other data you provide us in compliance with a legal obligation, and your data may be processed by our professional suppliers who provide us their services (email, storage, etc.) in order to correctly deliver our Services or to perform other obligations in accordance with the applicable regulations and rules set forth in the website Terms. Hi-Audio will ensure that your identity will be kept strictly confidential and will not be passed to a third party outside of what has been stated and agreed herein and in Hi-Audio Terms of Use.

We keep your data confidential and shall disclose them only in compliance with a legal obligation or to deliver our Service.

Subcontracting. We may provide access to User Data to a subcontracted processor if we reasonably consider such access and processing necessary to the performance of the Services. In the event of such access and before the access takes place, we shall ensure that an agreement with the third party is in place which is sufficient to require it to process personal data in accordance with the applicable provisions of this Agreement and any applicable law. In particular, you authorise us to subcontract to the third parties mentioned in the following section on international transfers.

We may provide access to your data to third parties in order to deliver our Service.

Those third parties process your data according to law and our Agreement with them.

International transfers. We use third-party technological services for the provision of Services, whose providers may process Account Data and User Data collected in the course of providing us their services indicated below, as sub-processors. These entities may be in jurisdictions that generally don’t provide adequate safeguards in relation to the processing of personal data. However, we have entered into contracts with such entities that do include such safeguards, as required by the applicable data protection laws.

You specifically authorize us to subcontract the following services and the corresponding transfer of User Data to the entities and countries listed below:

  • Registering and account creation: Google Inc., USA.

These companies are in the USA, territory which does not generally provide adequate safeguards in relation to data processing, but we have entered contracts with us providing the appropriate safeguards according to law, such as the so called “standard contractual clauses” approved by the European Commission.

We use the mentioned third-party services in order to provide our Service. Such third-party service providers are in the USA but provide appropriate safeguards.

Data retention. We will retain the personal data submitted through registration and collected during the course of the Services for the term of your account with us. If your Account is deactivated either by you or us, all compositions created by you are deleted from the database except those where you contributed and not the owner, in that case we retain a pseudonymous user identifier to maintain database integrity. We thereafter retain personal data for legal or administrative reasons as well in backups, such as defending our responsibility and complying with mandatory legal obligations, subject to applicable law. Your sounds are available on the site (under the corresponding license) until removed.

We keep your data as long as you have a Hi-Audio Music Platform account. When your account is deleted, your data is deleted too except for those compositions you contributed to where is anonymized.

Security measures. We implement security measures and personal data protection schemes as required by law to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of your data and protection against unauthorised access, modification or destruction.

We apply security measures to keep your data confidential.

Your rights. Under data protection laws, you have the following rights in relation to your personal data: request access to your personal data (commonly known as a "data subject access request"); request correction of the personal data that we hold about you; request erasure of your personal data; object to processing of your personal data where we are relying on a legitimate interest; request the restriction of processing of your personal data; request the transfer of your personal data to you or to a third party (right to data portability); withdraw consent at any time where we are relying on consent to process your personal data.

The aforementioned rights may be effective by contacting us at or at Télécom Paris. 19 place Marguerite Perey 91120, Palaiseau, France. We may require that you include a digital copy of your identification document such as your ID card or passport.

You also have the right to make any complaint to the competent authority, in this case the Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT), 19 place Marguerite Perey – 91120 Palaiseau.

You may access your data, correct or erase them, object to their processing, request the restriction of processing or the transfer to you or a third party, and withdraw your consent to the processing by contacting us.

You can make a complaint to the Catalan Data Protection Authority as well.

General. We reserve the right to amend the terms of this Privacy Policy and will notify you by providing a clear notice of these changes by email or on our Website, and in this Privacy Policy. If you continue to use our Services after such update, you will be deemed to accept the new terms. If you do not accept the update, please notify us and we will terminate your Account and remove any of your personal data (except as required to be maintained for legal purposes), and you will not be able to continue to use our Services.

Unless a specific local regulation sets forth to the contrary, the Privacy Policy is governed by the laws of France.

In case we modify this Privacy Policy, we will notify you. You can decide to accept the changes or not, in case you do not accept, we will erase your data.

NOTE: The text and content displayed on the current page is based on Freesound's website "Privacy Policy" ( licensed under CC-BY 4.0. Hi-Audio privacy policy was introduced on the 18th of July 2023.